Saturday, August 1, 2009

SharonLee Windlow to perform Live!

Performance artist SharonLee Windlow has signed on to perform Live for the Imperfect Angels on August the 14th, 2009 at noon SLT. Ms. Windlow is an up-and-coming artist within the Second Live Universe with a lot of talent and skill.

"I started in Music at age 9 playing the guitar, by age 14 I was playing live performances at various venues around where I lived, country music the standby, with a few other genres tossed in. MY music guitar styles were finger picked styes, I still wont wuse a guitar pick today when I play.

High school band playing B flat trombone and brasses combined with 4 years of music training in composition and theory.

in 1984 - I discovered the power of the computer, using tracking software on an amiga and C64 PC. back then I uses reel to reel tape and really had only 4 or 6 tracks to work with. HArdware was Pysical back then, MIDI was new, I had asubtractor synth and drum machine in a rack. Nowaadays computers take the place of all that hardware no hardware racks are needed to make and perform music.

3 year at the Royal Conservatory of music, I studied music theory and compossition, and learned ot play the piano, and improved my classical guitar playing During this period with some performances held around VAncouver and via some religious groups on stage I graduated graduated from there in 1987 I have been writing music mostly as a hobby since then.

I currently have nearly 500 composed songs from trance to techno, primary genres I play with synthesis and a house beat and in some case just plain silly. All my music is custom and will never be heard anywhere except here in Second Life.

I compose music digitally using - Cakewalk , reason 4.0 and a sample tracker called madtracker. Music is keyed and played live in layers via duel channel output streams and Streamed in gamed in game at 128kbps for an amazing sound experience."

Mykael Sciavo


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